Transfer Factor Plus

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Things You Need to Know About 4Life Transfer Factor Plus

Transfer Factor Plus brings a new approach to wellness by applying a new technology developed to keep your immune system operating at peak efficiency. As distinct from substances you take to add nutrients to your body, like herbs, vitamins and minerals, transfer factors are used to take important immune information from a healthy system and give it to a challenged one. 4Life offers the affordable Transfer Factor Plus drink on eBay to support immune system health, body transformation, and general wellness, and possibly to help burn fat and build muscle mass.

How does Transfer Factor Plus help your immune system?

4Life states that your body already contains transfer factors, molecules that carry information throughout your body's systems all the time. Transfer Factor Plus is intended to introduce fresh transfer factors to boosts your body's own immune system intelligence in three key ways:

  • Recognize - To aid your immune cells in identifying potential threats like invading bacteria and germs
  • React - To increase the rate at which your immune system can respond to a recognized threat
  • Recall - To help your immune system quickly and accurately identify the same sort of threat and make the appropriate immune response
How does Transfer Factor Plus differ from colostrum supplements?

Colostrum is a popular supplement for boosting the immune system. Colostrum supplements are generally sourced from dairy cows and can contain an abundance of antibodies like immunoglobulins and casein that may produce allergic reactions. The colostrum used in Transfer Factor Plus is collected through a special molecular filtration process that extracts only the transfer factors and removes everything else. In addition, by extracting only the transfer factors, these 4Life drinks allow you to take a much smaller dose than you would need to get the same amount of transfer factors from colostrum supplements.

How do Transfer Factor Plus and other 4Life products differ?

Transfer Factor Plus, designed specifically to fight off viruses and other pathogens, may be useful to combat immunodeficiency or help boost an underactive immune system. Other 4Life Transfer Factor products, like Transfer Factor Classic and Advanced, help to modulate an erratic immune system, such as one that is overactive or experiencing an autoimmune disease.

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