Kolcraft Strollers

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How to Choose the Right Kolcraft Stroller

When choosing a baby stroller, you'll want something that's lightweight and can keep up with the demands of busy family life. Kolcraft offers products to match the diverse needs of its users, while still being durable, functional, and stylish.

What should one look for in a lightweight stroller?

There are many things to consider when shopping for a lightweight stroller. Your first concern will be size. You want a stroller that's compact, folds easily, and can maneuver in tight spaces such as between cars and in grocery stores.

You'll also want to think about your needs for the stroller. Do you plan on using it for travel? Do you have a small car or home and need a stroller that takes up minimal space when folded? Will you be using the stroller in small, crowded spaces? Do you have multiple children? All of these factors will help you choose the perfect baby stroller. Strollers by Kolcraft are constructed to be both durable and compact.

What types of strollers does Kolcraft make?

  • Kolcraft Cloud: This is an umbrella stroller that's designed to be easy to maneuver. It has an easy one-step fold and a three-point safety harness in order to secure your child in place. The stroller also contains a storage basket and cupholder for added convenience while on the move. It has a roll-up component that creates air circulation and a headrest. This product will feel like a traditional stroller but with the smaller features you desire.
  • Kolcraft Sport Plus: This model has many of the same features as the Kolcraft Cloud with a few additions if you're looking for a little more functionality. It has a larger storage basket, a reclining seat for your child's comfort, and parent and baby trays to hold cups and other items. The stroller also has a five-point harness for added support.
  • Kolcraft Cloud Double Umbrella Stroller: Even if you have multiple children, you don't have to sacrifice the maneuverability and size of a smaller stroller. The Double Umbrella Stroller is only 21 pounds and has a compact fold. The seats can recline independently so that both of your children can be comfortable. It also has three-point harnesses and roll-up mesh to circulate air, and headrests. There's a cupholder for parent convenience as well.
  • Kolcraft Sprint X Jogging Stroller: If you live an active lifestyle, you want a stroller that can keep up with you while giving your child a smooth and safe ride. The Kolcraft jogging stroller has large, air-filled wheels, and the front wheel can be locked or unlocked for running. It reclines and has a parent cupholder. The product is also adaptable to select baby car seats so that you can create your own travel system.

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