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Sally Hansen Black Nail Polish Strips

Its not always easy to fit a trip to the salon into your busy schedule. Thats where Sally Hansen nail polish strips come in handy. Sally Hansen nail polish strips, and nail art, give you the look of a professional manicure.

How Does a Polish Strip Work?

Sally Hansen polish strips are attached directly to the surface of the nail. Once attached, the polish strips will stay in place until you remove them.

What supplies are needed?

To apply the nail polish strips, and nail art, youll need a cuticle stick, nail art, and polish strips. Youll also need nail polish remover to clean your nails before applying the fresh nail polish. Its important to begin with a clean nail surface. Be sure to have all your supplies gathered before you begin applying your nail polish.

How are the nail polish strips applied?

To apply the strips, youll need to begin with clean nails. Wipe the surface of your nails with polish remover. Remove the excess cuticle from your nails. Place the Incoco color sticker on your nail, and apply a top coat. When applying the strips, be sure to place them as close to the cuticle line as possible. This will ensure a more natural appearance. Its also important that you smooth out any bubbles that might appear. You can use your cuticle stick for that.

Are there other products available?

In addition to the nail polish, you can also find Incoco nail tips, which will give you a beautiful French manicure. All your Incoco nail products will stay beautiful longer when you apply a final top coat. The Incoco nail tips come in a variety of colors.

Are they difficult to apply?

One of the benefits of using Sally Hansen nail art and polish strips is that theyre easy to apply. They require no special training and no additional assistance. All youll need are clean hands and nails and the supplies listed previously.

How long will the application last?

Your Sally Hansen nail polish art is long-lasting. In fact, with proper care, you can expect it to last about as long as a salon manicure will last. All you need to do is use mild soap when washing your hands, and wear gloves when doing the dishes. Dont let a busy schedule keep you from having a salon-style manicure. Sally Hansen nail products will give you beautiful, salon-perfect nails every time.