Antique Tennis Rackets

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A Guide to Buying Vintage Tennis Rackets

If you're a fan of tennis, you'll know that its equipment has gone through significant changes. Old tennis rackets are fun to collect or even use on the court, and they have a distinct style that many can appreciate. eBay is a great place to search for antique tennis rackets.

What materials were used to make antique tennis rackets?

Rackets have been around for hundreds of years, with the early ones being made of wood. Since this was solid wood, these rackets are quite heavy. You can find wood tennis rackets made by Dunlop, Slazengeer, Spalding, and Wilson. Wood has a classic look, and if it's hung on the wall, it can complement your rustic decor.

Metal was used off and on in the early days, becoming more popular in the 1970s. Metal rackets are generally larger than wooden ones, and they can be made of steel, aluminum, graphite, or composite materials. Metal rackets look more industrial, and metal can be quite durable.

What types of handles do they have?

The older tennis rackets for sale had long wood handles that were fairly thick. As time went on, the industry began to see handles that were thinner, and some of them had leather grips to help players hold on more securely and comfortably

Are there any rare designs?

Some of the antique tennis rackets you'll find on eBay are photo decal models. They are limited editions that have pictures of tennis players, other athletes, and celebrities. The major companies, including Spalding, Dunlop, and MacGregor, made several of these rarities that make for interesting collectibles. If you find a photo decal model that has been signed, it will likely be quite valuable.

Other rackets may have colorful designs on the strings and/or the handle, making them stand out as decorations. Signed rackets can be some of the most valuable vintage tennis rackets available.

String material

As you search on eBay, you'll find that some of the wooden tennis rackets for sale come with natural gut strings. These strings come from part of a cow's intestine called the serosa. Serosa has good tensile strength thanks to the collagen in it. Some very old strings may be made out of sheep gut for the same reasons. On some rackets, you may find that the original strings have been replaced with synthetic materials. Synthetic gut is durable, water resistant, and can be made to hold different amounts of tension. It can also be made in different colors.